Friday, September 28, 2018

Bay Area Tattoo Convention October 19-21

On any given weekend in most cities of a decent size, you can probably find a tattoo convention to attend if you are so inclined. What used to be a rare and rather specific event geared towards working tattoo artists and the people who wanted to get tattooed by them has shifted to an ever-growing list of elaborate lifestyle event shows with tons of bells and whistles. Hot rods, live music, pin-up girls and burlesque. Dozens of merchandise vendors of all stripes, even food trucks and beer on tap. There is even a little tattooing thrown in.

Now don’t get me wrong – events of this stripe – especially if they are well-organized and well run and give good artists a chance to showcase their work – can be a lot of fun to attend. But sometimes it feels like the actual tattooing – the sting of the alcohol wipes, the buzz of the machines (or not – you coil fans) can seem a little thin on the ground. As the world of tattooing has expanded to include thousands of new artists pushing the boundaries of what is possible with this ancient craft and tattoos themselves have cropped up on almost everyone – (looking at you, grandma) sometimes it is important to wind back around to the core principles of quality artists, quality work, and serious collectors. There is a convention for that. It is The Bay Area Tattoo Convention.

bay area tattoo convention
I’m relatively new to the world of tattoos and am in no way an expert or a voice of influence. I am just a burgeoning hardcore collector with a rabid interest in tattoo artists, history, and culture. I like to watch ladies with feather fans as much as anyone but what really gets me going is a convention floor stacked with some of the most well-respected and talented tattoo artists in the world working at their craft. The Bay Area Tattoo Convention is in its 14th year and is the type of show that attracts serious tattoo collectors and tattoo fans and offers a rare opportunity to see some rather elusive artists (books closed, hide in their shops working 24/7 and never come out kind of elusive) in action.

bay area tattoo convention

Founded by Taki KitamuraState of Grace Tattoo in San Jose and Roman Enriquez- Strong Tattoo and 45s Forever Bike Shop – The BATC has set itself apart from the scrum by focusing exclusively on hand-selected artists that are there to tattoo and the collectors that want to get tattooed by them. 96 artists, maybe 10 vendors – all tattoo industry related. No live shows or distractions. I had the pleasure of chatting with Taki and he said something that I just have to quote, “The beautiful women in our shows aren’t swinging from poles – they are holding their own on the floor next to the male tattooers.” Both Taki and I agreed that women can do whatever the hell they like including swinging from poles, wearing skimpy outfits, riding live bobcats (my words, not his) – whatever. The point being made is that talent, skill, professionalism, and artistry is the focus of the show and a woman artist need not be anything other than a talented artist to be featured – nipple tassels are optional. (Please direct all angry comments directly to me and leave Taki alone, thanks). Taki and Roman take great care to make sure that every aspect of the BATC is tattoo related and set up to help artists and collectors connect. Check out their sponsors – all Tattoo folks (and a special thanks to TTTism for being a major sponsor this year – putting your money where your mouth is and helping small yet mighty events like BATC happen).


There are quite a few extremely talented female artists that are part of the rich cross-section of humanity and tattoo styles that make up this years convention. Artists from all over the country and the globe (check out the BATC Instagram and watch their stories to get some sneak peeks on who will be there – insider tip; they might not be listed on the artists attending page – you’re welcome) will be in attendance with the one thing binding them together – apart from the ring of power (sorry – nerd aside) is a passion for their craft and a reputation for excellence. So do you already need to have a spot secured to get tattooed at the convention this year? Hell no. Many of the artists pre-book but Taki assures me at least half of the artists are prepped for walk-ups. He also mentioned a cool trend he has been observing where very well-known and usually booked-for-life artists will attend a convention like BATC and ONLY do walk-ups based on flash they have ready to go. Talk about a convention exclusive!


Speaking of which – some convention exclusives include book releases, special merch by artists and vendors, and fantastic lectures.
The convention is at the SFO Hyatt Regency and it is easy to get to and comfortable to hang out in. Show up early enough and you might spot some of your favorite artists grabbing coffee in the lobby. Hang out late enough and maybe you will be lucky enough to watch those same artists chat and relax over a drink. Be a really low-key not weird collector (present company excluded) and maybe they will invite you to sit a spell. The tattoo world is a big, eclectic, multi-faceted community that ideally makes room for all types of artists, collectors, styles and people. The thing that really binds together the best of the tattoo community is a sense of pride in the craft, a spirit of openmindedness in regards to other artists and styles, a willingness to learn and improve, and an absolute dedication to artistic excellence. And that is why I’m spending the third weekend of October at The Bay Area Tattoo Convention. See you there.

The post Bay Area Tattoo Convention October 19-21 appeared first on The Tattoo Tourist.

from The Tattoo Tourist

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Tattoo Removal Options – Fact Vs. Fiction

Everything You Need to Know About Tattoo Removal Options


This blog is notorious for the following:

  • non-expert opinions (we should have chocolate money!)
  • random observations (what is in that tree over there?)
  • double negatives (don’t not complain about those – please!)
  • non-sequiturs (squirrel!)
  • and on and on

What does this mean for you the reader? Take what I have to say with a grain of salt. Or perhaps an M & M. Because that would be nice. (See “non-sequiturs”). Now I do my research, I ask professionals who know more than I do, and I try to provide useful information, however, this is not a place for solid, irrefutable facts. That is what Wikipedia is for. (Ooo – add “sarcasm” to that bullet list).

So now that you have been properly warned let’s talk about having a tattoo removed. Well, you went and done it. You got some shitty ink by a scratcher or you put the wrong name under “I Will Always Love…” or maybe your ink is making it hard for you to blend in or get jobs. Or maybe you would like to replace an old tattoo with a brilliant new one and just need to lighten the old one – not have it removed entirely. There are endless reasons why people seek to have a tattoo removed.

tattoo removal

Laser removal by

tattoo removal

Laser removal by

The most common and viable means for this is laser removal.  Last week I beat you up with all those poorly healing tattoo pics and I will not do that again. All puppies and rainbows here. However, if you are curious google “tattoo laser removal blister” and then brace yourself against the furniture because shit is about to get real.

Yes, laser removal works but done the old fashioned way with less sophisticated equipment and techniques it hurts like the Devil – if the Devil took a blowtorch to your skin and then finished it off with a loofah mitt. Dipped in sand. Here is WebMD’s take on laser removal and here is our old friend Wikipedia’s take on it – which is very thorough and points out that thankfully laser tattoo removal techniques have advanced and the procedure is now less painful and arduous with less chance of scarring than it was in the past. That is why you should seek out the best tattoo removal company in your area with the most up to date equipment. Your removal will be less painful, require fewer appointments, and will not result in eye-popping images of scary blisters on the internet.

The wiki article also included this little chestnut about prior means of tattoo removal,  Some early forms of tattoo removal included the injection or application of wine, lime, garlic or pigeon excrement.” Pigeon excrement? I’d love to learn how that “solution” came about. Hmmm – we have all this pigeon shit and it’s just ruining my dahlia’s – hey let’s inject it into your tattoo and see what happens!

But laser removal does work and it works well for most people and most tattoos. It is expensive and requires multiple appointments. It is also a medical procedure that carries risk so – just like a tattoo – go to a professional in a sterile environment – not some fly by night operation in the local strip mall. Tattoo removal like tattooing itself has experienced a leap forward in tools, techniques, and results. A top-notch laser removal company will provide better, faster, safer removal so do your research and choose wisely. If you are on the East Coast (say hi to my cousins for me) and also check out The Finery  A top-notch laser removal company with multiple locations.

As millions of people have decided to get ink a healthy portion have opted for some removal of that ink which equals…money. Just like underqualified people jumping into tattooing this same phenomenon is happening with laser removal. They are shooting your body with lasers people! Be picky!

tattoo removal

(if your laser removal professional is dressed like this then…who are we kidding. That would be AWESOME!)

So if the laser thing makes you a bit squeamish or you have been told that your particular tattoo will be difficult to remove because of the pigments used (this happened to me) are there any other options? Welllll…yes. Dermabrasion (basically scrubbing the shit out of the top layer of your skin to remove the tattoo), surgical removal (exactly what it sounds like) and then there are tattoo creams.

Wait a minute you say – I can just rub some cream on my regrettable tattoo of the Cheetos Cheetah guy  (sorry in advance if you personally have that tattoo but…really?)  and it will disappear? No Satanic skin burns or knives or power sanding? Why the hell would you try anything else?! Well kids I am sorry to say it is because those creams don’t work…yet.

tattoo removal

Oh Snap! He is actually pretty cool looking!

The current creams on the market – and there are many – all promise to easily and painfully remove your tattoo but they don’t really work. Ironically this is the only time your faint, faded scratcher tattoo might be an advantage. The guy who did you didn’t put the ink in deep enough resulting in that faded “scratchy” look that you want gone. A cream may help remove this type of tattoo because the ink is closer to the surface of the skin – emphasize might.

Here is what the Mayo Clinic (pretty reputable if you ask me) say about current tattoo creams, “There’s no evidence that tattoo removal creams work. At best, tattoo removal cream might fade or lighten a tattoo. The tattoo will remain visible, however, and skin irritation and other reactions are possible.”

So CAN you get your tattoo removed safely? Yes. Will it be expensive and hurt? Yes. The smartest thing to do is Think Before You Ink. A couple of weeks ago I (hopefully) talked my teenage daughter’s friend out of getting a tattoo anytime soon and the wiki article about removal does state, “Of those polled, the patients who regretted their tattoos typically obtained their tattoos in their late teens or early twenties”.

Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule. Some people get inked early and heavy and they are completely happy and that is very cool. Only you can decide if it is time to remove a tattoo. And if you do be smart and safe. Go to a real professional. It’s a crazy world out there.


If you or someone you know has gang tattoos and would like them removed you can most likely get this done professionally for FREE. There is an application process that you must go through to be approved. You can find the website and the application here at

The post Tattoo Removal Options – Fact Vs. Fiction appeared first on The Tattoo Tourist.

from The Tattoo Tourist