Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Steampod 3.0 la révolution des lisseurs vapeurs

Après avoir séduit des millions de particuliers et professionnels avec ses liseurs vapeur 1.0 et 2.0, L’Oréal dévoilera son nouvel appareil le 31 octobre prochain : le Steampod 3.0. Ce dernier se présente comme une évolution des anciens modèles et est à la fois plus efficace et plus performant. Il a notamment bénéficié de capteurs […]

L’article Steampod 3.0 la révolution des lisseurs vapeurs est apparu en premier sur Mademoiselle Web.

from Mademoiselle Web

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Halloween Tattoos – It’s a Dead Man’s Party

A friend once told me that I approached aging like I was betting with house money. This is accurate. I turned (fifty) this year and I honestly feel more fired up and alive than I did at 40 when it seemed like life was grinding to a halt, and even 30 when I felt like I had already wasted too much time chasing bad decisions.

50 is scary but do you know what is terrifying? Dying before your dead. Failing to approach your life with enthusiasm, optimism…and perseverance – because you need all three. And living small when you could be living large. So place everything you have on red, push all your chips into the center of the table, and say, “Why not live my life full tilt for once and forever?”

Halloween is right around the corner so dead things, creepy things, and high stakes entertainment are on my mind. October is the month to embrace your ghoulish side and luckily I have the clothes to match. I am also making a point of doing fun stuff all year long to celebrate being half a century old (!!!) so I’m off to New Orleans to swan around in acres of black lace, visit crumbling mansions and fog-shrouded cemeteries, and attend a Vampire Salon in full Vampire Queen regalia. And also eat a metric ton of beignets.

halloween tattoos

Life is good. Undead life is better. So with Autumn on my mind here are a few of my favorite spooky tattoos. If you have a Halloween or spooky themed tattoo you want to be featured send me an email at and be sure to follow me on Instagram if you want to see copious pictures of graveyards, cleavage, fangs, and frivolity. And this Halloween season let the dead carry the dead and take your place among the living and have the time of your life!

halloween tattoos
halloween tattoos
halloween tattoos
Matthew and Ryan Murray of The Black Veil Studio, Salem MA
halloween tattoos
Tattoo by Erin Chance of Unkindness Art, Richmond VA
halloween tattoos
Tattoo by Fredao Oliveira
halloween tattoos
Teresa Sharpe of Unkindness Art, Richmond VA
halloween tattoos
Tattoo by Faith Broache of Unkindness Art, Richmond VA
halloween tattoos
Tattoo by Kelly Doty of Helheim Gallery, Salem MA

The post Halloween Tattoos – It’s a Dead Man’s Party appeared first on The Tattoo Tourist.

from The Tattoo Tourist